Can Oxalic Acid Solution Be Used With Carpet Machine

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  • #1

Hi Everyone

Had 2 rust marks today on a pure wool carpet

Tried initially Eco Pog, Extreme, etc but no transfer at all.

Went for the Acid route then mixing boiling hot water 1 litre to 1 teaspoon.

This started to work so I increased the next treatment and added extra teaspoon but didn't appear to be any better.

I left with it being a little better but I've been wondering if I could have done or or tried something else.

Any feedback on what else I could have done, stronger dilution more dwell time etc



  • #2

Solutions new rust remover

  • #3


Eco POG is totally unsuitable for rust staining!

If the rust is crusty enough to feel, then pre-treating with a microsplitter such as Micro Spotter can actually


some rust from the fibre. then, for any visible staining that may remain it can be chemically altered so as not to show by treating with Solution Rust 'Remover'.

  • #4

The way a product is used is as, or sometimes more important than the product itself.

Rust removers are nasty products and fortunately I've rarely used them in recent years.

My go to product is Extreme tea and coffee stain remover. Apply a miniscule amount and leave for several minutes (up to 10 minutes, sometimes more). Quite often, the rust will have disappeared without further action apart from a rinse. If not, again apply very small amount of Extreme and extract with a terry towel, repeating as required. Rinse.

I've also used Micro Spotter in a not too dissimilar way (Thanks Doc:thumbup:)

Only after failure of the above would I venture into using mineral acids.

Safe and happy cleaning:smile:

  • #5

I use Cole and Wilson cleaner R product for removing rust . Always found it excellent .

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  • #6

Hi John

Tried Microsplitter first nothing happened then went in order as above.

Ken I tried Extreme again nothing happened.

I haven't got Nicks new product yet so any advice with regards to the dilution rate of the Acid anyone..?

Thanks in advance

  • #7


Note that I referred to rust that you can feel. This is the crystalline state of what is most commonly ferric oxide which can be detached from the surface by the microsplitter. The amorphous staining is a different matter requiring acidic reduction.

  • #8

Hi Chris, I use Craftex Rust Remover, dampen the rust spot with water apply the product indirectly with a towel and you should see it go within a few seconds then rinse with your hand tool. experimented with most rust removers on the market some worked after a time, some didn't work at all but Craftex works every time I find, to such an extent I've discarded all other so called rust removers. Hope this helps.

Nick Robertson-Vousden

  • #9

I don't offer advice on products supplied by others only our own all of which have been tested alongside the others to make sure they actually work. Nick have you tried our rust remover?

I hope you rinsed thoroughly Chris otherwise it may prove problematic.



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  • #10

Hi Nick

Just to confirm,

Oxhalic Acid (powder form) was mentioned in your advanced spot stain course 2 years ago for tough problem rust issues when other spotters have failed hence me buying it.

I only use your products and used this Acid once since my training with you so was asking for a bit of advice as to what else I could have done.



  • #11

Hi nick
Never tried your product but would certainly give it a go as I like to try all products . This bottle I've got will probably last me a hundred years as I rarely use it , and when I do it's very small amounts most the time . The tip of the spotter bottle is only pierced with a needle so very little comes out plus for accuracy .Tried prochem rust remover in the past but didn't find it half as good as Cole Wilson R . Less than 5% hydroflouric acid . Always rinse too .

  • #12

Some great advice from Ken and John which I can't really add to.

Rust removers are horrible, I hate apply them to any natural fibre so usually go down the route described by Ken and John. In conjunction with Extreme I will give it a shot of steam from a steam gun.

My last resort has always been Prochem rust remover which I have always found to be very effective. I now have a bottle of Solution rust remover and look forward to trying.

I realise Chris that your question has really been answered directly but for what my opinion is worth I wouldn't mix it any stronger than you have done.

I'm no a fan of acidic products as strong as rust removers are on the PH scale and certainly not applied (directly) hot but could you mabe try and keep the fibres damp but increase the dwell time of the product?

Can Oxalic Acid Solution Be Used With Carpet Machine


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