The anime world got a big surprise this May with the announcement of an upcoming sequel to Inuyasha, Yasahime: Princess Half-Demon. The show started 20 years ago and ran fro 2000 to 2004 with its Final Act coming out from 2009 to 2010.

They are proving is it never too late for a sequel, as fans are quite excited to return to the Feudal Era and see how their favorite characters are doing. Also, we get to see the children of these characters!

Here is what we know so far about the upcoming Inuyashasequel.

10/10 Sesshomaru Has Two Half-Demon Daughters

Sesshomaru did not only have daughters, but they are half-demons! A lot of fans are curious as to who their mother could be. That information will likely be revealed in the sequel's plot. Some are hoping it is Rin, but the age gap between her and Sesshomaru is a major one. However, humans age much faster than demons. How much time will have passed in the series?

Whatever the case may be, the daughters are going to be main characters and their names are Setsuna and Towa.

9/10 The Daughters Were Separated In A Forest Fire

Towa and Setsuna were separated at a young age in a forest fire. So the girls grew up away from each other. A large part of the show will likely be them reuniting and getting to know one another. We do know that Setsuna will be much more like her father, Sesshomaru, while Towa will be more sociable.

This will be partly because they were raised very differently. See below as to why.

8/10 There Is Time Travel

Towa and Setsuna are raised differently because they are actually from different times. Well, of course, they both originate from the feudal era. However, Towa ends up in the modern era at a young age.

Did Towa use the Bone Eaters' Well like Kagome? Well, information of a tunnel is spreading around.  Towa used some kind of time travel tunnel to get away from the forest fire that made her end up in the modern era.

7/10 Sota Raised Towa

Sota was just a little boy in the original Inuyasha. In the sequel though, he has raised one of Sesshomaru's daughters.

This means he is going to be an adult in the sequel. Did he take over the Higurashi family shine? If Towa used a tunnel to time travel, did she just end up in Sota's backyard? It will be interesting to find out how their relationship unfolded.

6/10 Setsuna Is A Demon Slayer Working With Kohaku

While Sota raised Towa, Setsuna works as a demon slayer with Kohaku in the feudal era.

By the end of Inuyasha, Kohaku was freed from his slavery to Naraku. He could finally live in peace, but it seems he decided to continue by hunting dangerous demons.

5/10 Setsuna Does Not Remember Towa

The relationship between Towa and Setsuna may actually be a lot like Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's. Since they are from different times and seem to have differing personalities, they may not get along. On top of all that, Setsuna does not remember Towa. They were separated from the fire when they were very young!

4/10 Kagome And Inuyasha Have A Daughter Named Moroha

Of course, Inuyasha and Kagome also have had a kid. Her name is Moroha. She appears to be both an archer and sword fighter. Like Inuyasha, she doesn't wear shoes. Her sword is called Kurikaramaru. While known to have a cheerful personality, she apparently also has a temper.

What has also been released is that Moroha is a bounty hunter who slays demons and sells their parts to demon slayers.

3/10 For Some Reason, Moroha Hardly Knows Her Parents

This detail has haunted the Inuyasha fandom. That's right, Moroha has spent most of her life without her parents. What happened to Inuyasha and Kagome? Are they dead? Missing? That is a big deal to fans of the original series, but it is also a great hook to get everyone watching to find out the truth.

There is also no information released about other characters from the main cast like Sango, Miroku, and Shippo.

2/10 Key Staff Members From The Original Inuyasha Are Involved

Rumiko Takahashi is involved. The director of the sequel is going to be Teruo Sato. Katsuyuki Sumisawa will be writing the screenplay. Music will be by Kaoru Wada. Yoshihito Hishinuma is doing character design animation.

All these names were involved with the original show as well. So be ready for familiar themes, designs, music, and writing.

1/10 It Is Aimed To Be Released In Fall 2020

Anime sesshomaru mad Inuyasha

It is possible that the anime will come at a later date. For now, though, everyone is expecting the sequel's release to be in the fall of this year.

There are still a lot of unknowns though such as how many episodes or seasons will there be? More information is sure to come out with time.

NEXT: 10 Inuyasha Tattoos That Make Us Miss The Show